
On the way to becoming a global company, we get our energy from our entrepreneurship. We are walking towards our goals with fast steps by realizing our dreams for the future with courage and determination.

Perseverance and Courage

Success is the right of those who believe that they will succeed. We embrace our goals and struggle with hardship and courage to achieve success.


As the Hayat family, we are a whole. We are committed to our work not only mentally but also by heart. We grow together by embracing that life gets better when shared, and we shape our future together by gaining strength from each other.


We believe that development will be achieved through polyphony, sharing and mutual learning. We grow together in an environment that allows creativity and where ideas can be shared freely, and we run together towards our goals.

Respect for Human and Nature

We act responsibly for healthier generations, a better quality of life and the future of our planet. We work for a better life with our accessible products that focus on people's needs and environmentally friendly production.

Justice Honesty

Integrity, loyalty, transparency and trust are the basis of our relations with all our stakeholders. We consider it our fundamental motto to be a fair company that respects people, the environment, society, laws, customs and traditions, and is loyal to its commitments.